Tuesday, April 24, 2012

What we have been up to.

April has been pretty crazy for us.

April Fools we got home in the early hours of the morning from Mexico. (which still needs to be blogged about) There were no pranks (a first for me) It was also General Conference.  Yay! Mr. L and colored to our hearts content (a family tradition) while listening to our amazing church leaders.

While in Mexico Mr. L and I both re-read the first Hunger Games Book in preparation of the movie. We went to it the first chance we had, once we were back in Idaho.

As Easter approched, My co-worker bought easter bunnies for his grandkids. He stored them at the office and so I was lucky enough to get to play with them!

It was during this week Mr. L started getting sick, by the weekend I had caught it too. Lacie came into town as an early Easter present to us, and we played, shopped, painted our toes, laughed, and schemed together. 

On Easter Sunday L and I taught our Sunbeam class for the first time. It was an adventure to say the least. When we got home we were in dyer need of a nap to recover. 

We took lots of pictures of our fun Easter dying eggs, the candy hunt, our baskets... etc... but sadly you are going to have to wait to see any of them. 

We made it through Easter weekend. Sickness didn't leave us however. 2 weeks later. We were finally feeling like our normal selves. In that time we did a lot of reading, xbox and snuggling. As yuck as it was, we still had a lot of fun together.

Landon started to feel better before I did, and gave a talk in church and handled the Sunbeams with out me. {Have I ever mentioned how this man is seriously my Hero?} I tried to go to church that sunday (I was dying to hear the talk he had prepared.) Instead he made me take all my make up off and tucked me with a kiss into bed.

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